Academic Positions

  • Present 2014

    Assistant Professor

    University of California, Los Angeles, CEE

  • 2014 2012

    Postdoctoral Associate

    Massachussets Institute of Technology, CEE

  • 2012 2009

    Research Assistant

    UPMC, Paris 6, LPTMC

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. 2012

    Ph.D. in Material Science

    UPMC, Paris 6 - LPTMC, France

  • Master2009

    Master of Complex Systems

    ENS Cachan - UPMC, France

  • Agrégation2008

    "Agrégation" of Physics/Chemistry

    ENS Cachan, France

  • Licence2007

    Licence of Fundamental Physics

    ENS Cachan, France


  • 2014
    Future Leader Nomination - The American Ceramic Society
    The nomation to the Future Leader Program (FLP) recognises exemplary work and potential as a future leader in the ceramics and glass industry.

    2014 Future Leader Program
  • 2012
    Norbert J. Kreidl Award - The American Ceramic Society
    The Norbert J. Kreidl Award for Young Scholars is attributed by the American Ceramic Society and recognizes research excellence in glass science.

    Topological Constraints and Rigidity of Network Glasses from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    Topological constraint theory provides an interesting means to understand the important microscopic physics governing the thermal, mechanical and rheological properties of glasses with changing compositions, while filtering out unnecessary details that ultimately do not affect its macroscopic properties. It has been successful in predicting compositional trends in covalent network-forming glasses such as chalcogenides. Its application appears however more challenging in iono-covalent glasses such as silicates where neighbors/bonds and angles need to be properly defined. Here we derive such constraints for different alkali silicates using an atomic scale approach (Molecular Dynamics, MD) combined with partial bond angle distributions (PBAD). The latter allows having access to the second moments (standard deviations) of the distributions. Large (small) standard deviations correspond to large (small) angular excursions around a mean value, and are identified as broken (intact) bond-bending constraints. A similar procedure is used for bond-stretching constraints. Systems examined include glassy and liquid disilicate 2SiO2-M2O (LS2, NS2, KS2). In the glass, MD constraint counting closely matches Maxwell enumeration of constraints using the octet binding (8-N) rule. Results show that the standard deviations of the partial bond angle distributions increase with temperature and suggest a softening of bond-bending constraints. A bimodal bonding oxygen distribution is obtained for T>Tg, and the fraction of thermally activated broken bond-bending constraints computed as a function of temperature. As a preliminary work, pressure effects are also presented. Overall, these results provide a microscopic rationale for extending constraint counting from chalcogenides to complex oxides, and also a numerical basis for recent functional forms of temperature-dependent constraints proposed from energy landscape approaches.

    2012 Norbert J. Kreidl Award
  • 2004
    Netmarketing Award
    Award of netmarketing for the founding of

    Trophées du Netmarketing 2004
  • 2003
    Webmastering Award
    Award of webmastering for the creation of

    Net d'Or 2003
  • 2002
    Mathematics Award
    Olympiades de Mathématiques 2002.

Current Teaching

  • Present 2014

    Mechanics of deformable materials (CEE 108)

    Stress, strain, mechanical properties of materials, axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear, stress transformation, strain transformation, deflections of beams, buckling of beams.

  • Present 2015

    Fundamentals, Properties, and Technology of Industrial Glasses (CEE 105/205)

    The objective of this course is to provide a fundamental understanding of the nature and properties of glasses, in the field of infrastructures and technology (structures, LCD screens, touch-screen devices, fiber optics...). Special attention will be paid on glass formation and its relevance to manufacturing, and on composition-structure-properties relationships.

  • Soon Soon

    Atomistic simulations of materials

    Statistical mechanics and numerical simulation, Monte-Carlo methods, molecular dynamics, correlation functions, phase transitions, advances Monte-Carlo algorithms, stochastic thermodynamics and fluctuation theorems, out of equilibrium statistical physics, aging.

Teaching History

  • 2012 2010

    Physics of waves

    General description, mathematics formulation, transverse and longitudinal mechanical waves, electromagnetic waves, acoustic, superposition, resonance, interference, diffraction, Doppler effect.

Office at UCLA

Mathieu Bauchy

University of California, Los Angeles
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
5731B Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593
United States